Saturday, October 31, 2009

Late to the blogging party...

But here, nonetheless--finally carved out a little corner of the blogosphere. As I stare out my window at the gray fall sky, I wonder if I'll find anything to write about. Isn't that every new blogger's first thought?

Then I remember that I don't have any trouble talking, so...

Right now I'm involved in NaNoWriMo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month (also NaNo for short), along with thousands of other writers. My first grandson is due on Thanksgiving, so we might be eating turkey in the hospital, as my daughter-in-law's mom says. At least then I won't have to cook! Don't mind cooking, but this month, I'd rather write.

I have one novel in progress (s-l-o-w progress--molasses in January, as the saying/cliche goes), and a long list of novel ideas. Are they novel, that is, are they different? Guess I'll only find out if I write them...